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High-Visibility 52-on-1 Deck

. $25.00 . $20.00

It is an entire deck of 52 cards (in poker size) plus 2 jokers printed with the High-Visibility 52-on-1 back design.

It comes with a booklet of 11 tricks, jokes, and ideas to do with this unique deck of cards.

Compare the High-Visibility 52-on-1 design (at the bottom) with the back designs of other less-visible 52-on-1 designs.

Note the top two, inferior designs. If either of these were shown to an audience of 4 to 15 people, it would be difficult for everyone to discern what is printed on them. You want your audience to get the joke immediately without having to explain it.

52on1 comparison

Also, do you like to do the 53-on-1 trick? With Bob Miller's High Visibility 52-on-1 deck, you can do that trick with any card in the deck!

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