It's Free!
The original booklet saved to PDF with all the original routines. Everyone who saw the routine encouraged me to put it on video for a wider distribution. First it was on VHS, then burned to a DVD, then professionally taped, edited and produced. Now it's a streaming video. But this old booklet contains a clear list of the creators of each move and a nice description of the Routine Psychology, not found anywhere else.
Any physical products ordered from BMM will include a small non-refundable shipping fee.
I guarantee the products and performances are exactly as depicted in the advertising. If you're disappointed with any physical product, please send it back for a refund of the product price.
These products were created based on twenty years of full-time magic performances. The routines have been tested and perfected.
I'll give a full refund of any physical product, (not shipping.) Of course, I can't refund digital products. But if you don't like it, let me know and I'll arrange a credit for you.